Basic things you need to know about Docker.

Docker is a tool that helps you to running applications in an isolated environment. Docker makes it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers.
“It works on my machine”

why Docker is more useful? In earlier industries were facing as you can see that there is a developer who has to build an application that works fine in his own environment. but when we reach the production stage or maybe somebody’s else computer there were certain issues with that application. The reason for the problem is because of the difference in the computing environment between dev and product. Sometimes the issues happening because you forgot to mention some of the dependencies that you might have installed while working on some other projects and that’s why the problem is occurring.
So, Docker has successfully resolved this problem. The developer can write a code that defines application requirements or the dependencies in an easy to write docker file then using docker files produces docker images. All of the dependencies are required for successfully running the application are including inside this image.
What is a Docker container?
As I mentioned earlier we can create a Doker image by building a Docker file. Then we can run the Docker image and the result is a particular Docker container. These containers are packed up with the application code, all the necessary dependencies, configurations, some of the networking information, etc. This container is portable, which means it can be easily shared and moved around. This portability gives development and deployment more efficient.
What is Docker Hub?
There is a public repository for Docker named DockerHub and where you can probably find any Docker images. In the Docker hub, there are some open-source image repositories like MySQL, Python, HTTP, Ubuntu, Kibana, Elastic Search, etc. These are official Docker images. We can just pull these images and run them to create containers. Docker commands also available on the site and we can just copy and paste them. Not only that we can publish our images on the Docker hub.
Let's discuss the installation and the basic Docker commands in another story.